
Frost Radar™

Benchmarking Your Future Growth Potential. Frost & Sullivan’s global team of experts and advisors continuously analyses a wide range of industries across the globe.
Business Growth Radar

The Frost Radar™

Our work is focused exclusively on identifying the growth opportunities of the future and evaluating companies that are best positioned to take advantage of them. The Frost Radar™ is a robust analytical tool that allows us to evaluate companies across two key indices: their focus on continuous innovation and their ability to translate their innovations into consistent growth. Our primary and secondary analyses span the entire value chain of each industry, identifying organizations that consistently develop new growth strategies based on a visionary understanding of the future and a proven ability to effectively address emerging challenges and opportunities.

In that vein, the Frost Radar™ serves as a truly dynamic solution to continuously benchmark companies’ future growth potential with clear insight into their core strengths and weaknesses.

A Practical, High Impact, Scalable Tracking Solution

Growth Consulting Icon

What is it?

A robust, analytical tool that evaluates companies’ focus on innovation and growth to benchmark their future growth potential.

Business Process Healthcare

How is it built?

Through in-depth analysis built on our growth opportunity analytics methodology and objective evaluation of companies across multiple innovation and growth criteria.

industry transformation  icon

Why it is needed?

To understand how companies benchmark against each other in their ability to innovate and grow against a backdrop of industry transformation and evolution.

 growth capabilities and strategies

What will it accomplish?

Companies will gain an objective, independent perspective of their innovation and growth capabilities and strategies, including their robustness, effectiveness and relative competitive strength, as well as implications for their long-term success.

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How should it be leveraged?

CEO’s growth team:
Maximize your company’s future growth potential.
Board of Directors:
Guide your leadership team to focus on long-term growth.
Identify high-growth companies for investment.
Choose your most innovative and reliable solution provider.

Frost Radar

What does it mean to be included on the Frost Radar™?

Every company that finds itself on the Frost Radar™ has been carefully chosen by a team of experts and advisors for having demonstrated excellence in growth, innovation, or both and can translate that into proven solutions that benefit their clients. Companies are chosen because they are already demonstrating excellence or have the potential to be excellent in the future.

Two Major Indices. Ten Analytical Algorithms. One Platform.

Vertical Axis – The Growth Index

The Growth Index is a measure of a company’s growth performance and track record, along with its ability to develop and execute a fully-aligned growth strategy and vision; a robust growth pipeline system; and effective market, competitor and end user -focused sales and marketing strategies.


Market Share (previous 3 years):

Market share, relative to its competitors in a given market space, for the previous three years.


Revenue Growth (previous 3 years):

Revenue growth rate for the previous three years in the market/ industry/ category that forms context for the given Frost Radar™.


Growth Pipeline:

This is an evaluation of the strength and ability of a company to leverage its growth pipeline system while continuously capturing, analyzing and prioritizing its universe of growth opportunities.


Vision and Strategy:

This is an assessment of how well a company’s growth strategy is aligned with its vision. Are the investments the company is making in new products and markets consistent with the stated vision?


Sales and Marketing:

This is a measure of the effectiveness of a company’s sales and marketing efforts in helping the company drive demand and achieve its growth objectives.

Two Major Indices. Ten Analytical Algorithms. One Platform

Horizontal Axis – The Innovation Index

The Innovation Index is a measure of a company’s ability to develop products/services/solutions that are developed with a clear understanding of disruptive Megatrends, are globally applicable, are able to evolve and expand to serve multiple markets, and are aligned to customers’ changing needs. Key elements of this index include:

Innovation Scalability Icon


Innovation Scalability:

This determines whether the organization’s innovations are globally scalable and applicable in both developing and mature markets, as well as in adjacent and non-adjacent industry verticals.

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Research and Development:

This is a measure of the efficacy of a company’s R&D strategy, as determined by the size of its R&D investment and how it feeds the innovation pipeline

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Product Portfolio:

This is a measure of the company’s product portfolio and focuses on the relative contribution of new products to its annual revenues.

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Megatrends Leverage:

This is an assessment of a company’s ability to proactively leverage evolving long-term opportunities and new business models as the foundation of its innovation pipeline.

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Customer Alignment:

This evaluates the applicability of a company’s products/services/ solutions to current and potential customers (7-year horizon), as well as how its innovation strategy is influenced by evolving customer needs.

Aerospace, Defense & Security

Automotive & Transportation