Companies to Action
Frost & Sullivan’s Companies to Action maps companies that are set to shape your company’s future

Companies to Action
- Which companies are shaping your ecosystem?
- Which companies should you be working with?
- Who should be your suppliers, customers, partners?
- Which companies that should be on your radar for strategic investments?
- How are you engaging with the companies shaping the future?
Top 5 Strategic Imperatives
Why Now? Why This? Why You?
- Competitive Intensity – Pressure to increase the speed of implementation goes up every year
- Innovative Business Models – Isolated companies have significantly lower innovation
- Industry Convergence – Ecosystem and Partners are increasingly impacting the global economy
- Internal Challenges – Increasing pressure on building a powerful global brand in the community
- Geopolitical Chaos – Value chain complexity rises due to Deglobalization, Demonetization
Is your company prepared to survive & thrive through the coming Transformation?
Top 5 Benefits & Impacts
Ready to work towards aspirational goals and become a significant player in the global landscape?
Next Steps
Growth Council
Companies to Action
Growth Dialog
Growth Council Think Tank
Are you prepared for Transformational Growth amidst the disruption?
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