
Catalyst for Change and the Building Blocks of the Industry 4.0


With Industry 4.0 and Digital transformation all eyes are on assets – machines and process equipment that power the industrial world. From machine tools to rotating assets to flow control equipment, these quintessential machines are enabling a major Disrupt/Collapse/Transform cycle in the industrial sector. The Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) is revolutionizing the way end-users interact with industrial equipment.

Emerging technologies such as predictive analytics, pervasive sensing and IoT are transforming the industry and hence it is pertinent for manufacturers to understand these components and provide cutting-edge technology solutions.

Servicification, new business models, and digital transformation are key trends to watch out for.

Rotating Equipment icon

Rotating Equipment

Pumps, compressors, turbines, engines and generators are the ubiquitous process equipment critical to every industrial process system
Processing Control Icon

Process Control

Valves and solenoids are process control elements that provide mechanical feedback and control

Motion Control

Motion Control

Motors, drives, hydraulics, pneumatics, gearboxes, belt and chain drives are key components used to actuate and control motion in the industrial setting
Machine tools icon

Machine tools

Metal additive, subtractive shaping and forming tools that form the backbone of every manufacturing industry

Process Equipment

Process Equipment

Heat exchangers, mixers, separators, crushers, mills and a variety of other process equipment that are used in process and hybrid industries

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