Vendors must enhance features, design and quality while maintaining cost efficiency to cater to advanced applications, finds Frost & Sullivan

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – Oct. 2, 2014 – The mature global programmable direct current (DC) power supplies and electronic loads market will see sustained growth as projects cancelled during the economic downturn are restarted. The rise of new smart technologies, energy applications and consumer electronics will further encourage investments in programmable DC power supplies and electronic loads.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Global Programmable Direct Current (DC) Power Supplies and Electronic Loads Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $527.2 million in 2013 and estimates this to reach $728.2 million in 2018. The study covers the wireless, communications, component testing and electronic manufacturing end user segments.

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“The advent of new technologies such as smart applications along with the development of renewable energy will trigger sales of power supply and electronic load devices,” said Frost & Sullivan Energy and Environmental Research Analyst Aanchal Singh. “The booming manufacturing sector in Asia-Pacific too will sustain the market, particularly in Japan and China.”

In saturated markets such as North America and Europe, vendors can remain competitive by widening product capabilities. Establishing a platform for continuous improvement will enable suppliers across the world to offset the entry of low-cost products from Asia-Pacific.

Vendors in this price-sensitive domain must also actively seek to diversify their portfolios and cater to the next generation of products. For instance, tapping emerging applications like hybrid vehicles and mobile technologies will broaden the scope for DC power supply and electronic load manufacturers.

“Offering value-added features while maintaining cost-efficiency and speeding up geographic expansion will be key strategies to garner market share,” recommended Singh. “Hence, channeling efforts into R&D will quicken innovation and bolster opportunities in the global DC power supplies and electronic loads market.”

Global Programmable Direct Current (DC) Power Supplies and Electronic Loads Market is part of the Power Supplies & Batteries ( Growth Partnership Service program. Frost & Sullivan’s related studies include: Global Medical Battery Market, Global Lithium-ion Battery Market: Growth Opportunities and Market Outlook, and Global DC Power Systems Market. All studies included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

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