The strategic imperative for today’s businesses is to transform or risk disappearing. As competitive pressures intensify and new business models emerge and create disruption, the recipe for success remains simple. Sell more at a lower cost. However, companies increasingly realize that getting that recipe right requires improved technology, which means sufficient bandwidth, flexible provisioning, security, connectivity network solutions, and high availability.

As more applications migrate to the cloud and enterprises become data-driven organizations, connectivity becomes crucial. For example, Frost & Sullivan predicts strong growth in high-capacity connectivity network solutions: Ethernet, for instance, but also in wavelengths. The US wavelength market is forecast to grow from $4 billion in 2021 to $5.5 billion in 2025, at more than 6% year-over-year growth. Higher speeds like 100 GE or 400 GE are increasing over triple that number. In that context, bandwidth prices are decreasing, so some may think that adding more bandwidth will make a network perform better. However, simply adding bandwidth is not enough to keep networks performing at the level today’s applications require.

Historically, network designs have been focused on fixed endpoints such as primary and backup data centers, branch offices, and data centers. These were usually fixed configurations. As larger data flows move between multiple endpoints, bandwidth demands become much more dynamic. Legacy data or applications may reside in a single data center; however, latency-sensitive applications will migrate to one or more clouds and edge colocation.

A completely new connectivity architecture paradigm is being offered, which is particularly well-suited to support bandwidth-aggressive network applications and improve their performance and stability. Enterprises looking for service agility, business continuity, control, route, equipment diversity, fast self-provisioning, connectivity network solutions, high availability, security, protection, and stringent service level agreements (SLAs) can find these elements as part of their network architecture and strategy.

  • First, customers can deploy technology to scale from encrypted 10 G DWDM up to 800 G DWDM.
  • Second, working with a service provider partner that can integrate WANs, from dark fiber to wave services to Ethernet, enables customers to maximize their network flexibility (not only with one telco provider but across multiple telco providers).
  • Third, ensuring your equipment provider and service provider can work together to leverage a single or multiple links from multiple service providers from a network capacity perspective to enable customers to dynamically move workloads.
  • Finally, the customer must be able to monitor and control bandwidth and security as workloads move around their network infrastructure.

The key to network flexibility and security is working with the best technology and service provider partners, not only today, but also in the years ahead. The main role of such partners is to help the customer support their evolving connectivity network demands now and in the future.

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About Ignacio Perrone

Ignacio Perrone is an industry expert with more than 15 years of experience in the ICT sector. Perrone currently serves as Digital Transformation Industry Manager at Frost & Sullivan in Latin America, with an expertise that encompasses Telecom and IT services, IoT vertical markets, enterprise mobility, M2M and VAS. In addition to its client-facing role, Perrone also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements.

Ignacio Perrone

Ignacio Perrone is an industry expert with more than 15 years of experience in the ICT sector. Perrone currently serves as Digital Transformation Industry Manager at Frost & Sullivan in Latin America, with an expertise that encompasses Telecom and IT services, IoT vertical markets, enterprise mobility, M2M and VAS. In addition to its client-facing role, Perrone also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements.

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