Cloud storage is one of the most prominent and fastest growing cloud services. According to Frost & Sullivan research, worldwide revenues for on-demand “Storage as a Service” will increase by 61 percent compound annual growth rate through 2017.  Attracted by the opportunity, service providers are rushing to introduce cloud storage services that are profitable and meet customer needs. However, if the infrastructure is not engineered to handle the clients’ high-volume and rigid availability requirements, the storage service will be unsuccessful.

Frost & Sullivan’s recently published white paper entitled, Service Providers: How Storage Infrastructure Can Help You Differentiate and Add Value to Your Cloud Storage Services, discloses the five optimal features a data infrastructure must have in order to meet ever-evolving customer expectations.

Click here to download the white paper and view the video assets associated with this release, or visit

Due to ongoing technology innovations such as “Big Data” analytics, social media and e-commerce, data storage and management have become critical to businesses. Additionally, stringent regulations concerning proper data storage have raised cost, complexity and concerns associated with traditional premise-based storage.

“However nascent the cloud market may be, not all providers will succeed. Customers will always compare cloud storage providers against their own expectations, until they find one they trust. Apprehension about security, compliance and storage services are primary enterprise concerns, which the provider can address in part by selecting the right storage infrastructure,” said Stratecast | Frost & Sullivan Cloud Services Vice President Lynda Stadtmueller.
In this analysis, Frost & Sullivan shows how the IBM XIV storage delivers the five optimal features service providers are looking for: predictability, resiliency, simplicity, cost-effectiveness and integration with other cloud environments.

A recent roundtable discussion moderated by Lynda offers great insights on how storage infrastructure can impact business longevity and success.  Click the following link to view:

“As a leader in the cloud industry, providing a full portfolio of services, software, and products, IBM is uniquely positioned to offer cloud storage solutions that can help service providers succeed,” said Stadtmueller. “In selecting storage infrastructure, cloud storage providers would do well to consider the IBM XIV Storage System, which delivers high levels of value across all the key criteria.”

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Frost & Sullivan

For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success.