Frost & Sullivan Commends Swissray’s SR Pulse 710™ MRI System for Delivering the Most Affordable Wide-Bore 1.5T MRI System in the Global MRI Market

The SR Pulse 710TM MRI system delivers top-notch performance at highly competitive prices

LONDON, U.K. — June 1, 2017 — Based on its recent analysis of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) market, Frost & Sullivan recognises Swissray International, Inc. with the 2017 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Price/Performance Value Leadership. With the aim of promoting a sustainable healthcare business environment, Swissray ventured into the wide-bore MRI arena in 2017 with the SR Pulse 710™, a 1.5T MRI system with affordable, yet comprehensive integrated features. The system’s clinically relevant designs, coupled with advanced functionalities, deliver best-in-class performance for less than $1 million, while most new wide-bore systems are priced between $1 million to $1.6 million. The product also stands out with its 71 cm bore (1 cm wider than most competitors) and its components are designed and developed in North America, where Swissray has been awarded 87 MRI patents.

“Following the SR Pulse 710™’s beta tests, its performance and lifecycle value has earned the trust of radiology and imaging professionals all over the world,” said Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Srikanth Kompalli. “In Europe especially, Swissray’s new development strategies have positioned the product as a high-throughput and affordable MRI system with a relatively low total cost of ownership.”

Swissray’s MRI product attributes showcase one of the best prioritizations of software and hardware features. The outstanding features of the SR Pulse 710™MRI system are:
A 16-channel RF system and up to three distinct, high-density phased array coils. These coils can be connected simultaneously for whole body imaging without needing to be repositioned. The standard coil package includes a full array of dedicated orthopaedic coils and three torso phased array coils.
Its 71 cm internal bore diameter and 550 lb. patient table support enhance the comfort for claustrophobic or very large patients. Indirect LED lighting, a built-in audio system, and indirect airflow in the bore optimises the experience for all patients.
A simple application interface to arrange scanning, display, and post-processing
Dedicated scan packages for different body parts (neurology, musculoskeletal, whole body imaging, and angiography) to provide a comprehensive workflow. This aids radiologists in establishing local protocols for acquiring desired images.

Furthermore, the SR Pulse 710™’s large bore is equipped with ultra-homogeneous main magnetic field with a gradient strength of 33mT/m, which indicates a high-end hardware configuration. As its new multi-element coil arrays are built on a tabletop and are selected through programmed protocols, they help reduce the time needed for repositioning patients during scans. Its 50 cm field of view gives radiologists a comfortable off-axis image with homogenous fat suppression for clinical accuracy. The SR Pulse 710™scanner also has a zero boil-off magnet designed for a helium refill interval of ten years.

“The overall system design of the SR Pulse 710™, with its low-cost maintenance and affordable price, translates to high diagnostic value with unmatched speed and versatility in clinical applications,” noted Srikanth Kompalli. “For greatly enhancing customer loyalty and retention with its focus on maximising price/performance value in the MRI market, Swissray richly deserves Frost & Sullivan’s honour.”

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to a company that has developed a product to suit market and client needs. The award lauds the price competitiveness, features, ease of use of the product, as well as the service effectiveness of the recipient company.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognise companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

About Swissray International, Inc.

Swissray International, Inc.  is a global Medical Device company and the company has pioneered the development of DR Technology and was the first company to receive FDA clearance in 1997 to market a DR system. Swissray has always been commitment to exceed expectations and deliver on promises on time, every time, because at Swissray, “We Care More”. The people of Swissray International, Inc. share this mission and goal. “Together, we are a partner for life”.

Swissray currently provides a full range of cutting-edge Digital Radiography systems designed for any application in general radiography. With years of extensive clinical experience, Swissray has collaborated with leading radiography professionals and renowned healthcare facilities across the globe to deliver the world’s best digital radiography solutions. As part of the holistic approach to promote a sustainable healthcare business environment, Swissray—a well-established digital radiography (DR) OEM—ventured into the wide-bore MRI arena in 2017 boasting a set of comprehensive integrated features and functionalities at an affordable price. Swissray’s value proposition centers on incorporating clinically relevant designs that are economical, coupled with state-of-the-art features to deliver best-in-class performance system.

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Chiara Carella
P: +44 (0) 207.343.8314
F: 210.348.1003

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For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success.