Advansolar strives to offer a superior customer experience by providing customized and personalized product designs for customers

LONDON, U.K – DECEMBER 9 – Based on its recent analysis of the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Advansolar with the 2014 French Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation Leadership. As a pioneer in the field of solar EV charging infrastructure, Advansolar advocates the practice of on-site self-consumption of solar energy rather than remote solar energy utilization. The company enables customers to harness and utilize solar energy to charge their EVs and in the process, hence reducing their dependence on the grid.

Advansolar was established with the sole purpose of accommodating the needs of the e-mobility market in France. It strategically positioned itself in the area of industrial convergence between EVs and renewable energy, equipping itself with competencies to deliver sustainable solutions for customers. Furthermore, its EV charging network also enables it to gather invaluable data on users’ habits and patterns, which, in turn, helps it form partnerships with municipalities and service providers.

Advansolar offers off-grid and on-grid EV charging infrastructures that are powered by solar energy, and its products ensure mobility, as they do not require pre-existing foundations. This flexibility of deployment enables EV charging infrastructures to potentially be relocated to remote areas that are off grid.

“The company successfully leverages the Mega Trends of Connected Living and The Internet of Things by integrating its products with WiFi connection to deliver around-the-clock connectivity,” says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Tharmathas Alagappan. “It is working on developing a machine-to-machine programme to connect all its stations to a sophisticated network, enabling users to connect with their service providers and viceversa.”

Being able to control the entire value chain, from product design and manufacturing to installation, Advansolar delivers EV charging infrastructure of high quality. Its expertise in design, aesthetic parts and engineering enables it to manufacture unique solar EV charging stations that exceed industry standards, require minimal maintenance and are durable.

Advansolar’s solar EV charging stations are versatile, and can be incorporated with sophisticated technologies such as smart meters, WiFi hotspot, and smartphones charging facilities. Additionally, as it equips its products with billboards, which can be rented out to advertisers, Advansolar is able to enhance public awareness about solar charging solutions.

Apart from customized products, it also provides a unique product portfolio that allows customers to combine the benefits and the specifications of different products, effectually doing away with the use of a rigid and standardized product portfolio.

“Advansolar provides pre-sales consulting services to understand and develop highly customized product designs and solutions,” says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Sapan Agarwal. “It promotes total ownership among customers by personalizing and designing its product according to specific customer brands, and facilitating the use of its EV charging infrastructure as a compelling marketing tool.”

The company’s ceaseless efforts in integrating disruptive technologies into its charging infrastructure prepare it for the imminent industrial convergence. Advansolar’s position as a Smart Cities service provider has added thrust to its efforts in achieving a sustainable future.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has developed an innovative element in a product by leverage leading-edge technologies. The award recognizes the value added features/benefits of the product and the increased ROI it offers customers, which in turn increases customer acquisition and overall market penetration potential.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

About Advansolar

Advansolar is a company with a triple expertise – electric mobility, solar energy and communication – created in 2010 near Nice. Advansolar is positioned at the crossroads of the solar energy and the electric mobility markets.

Our idea: to put solar energy at the service of the electric mobility. We are specialized in the design and manufacturing of solar charging infrastructure for electric cars, electric bicycles and small electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets. We have created the SunPod® range.

Our Research & Development work around solar charging stations enable us to remain at the forefront of innovative solutions in the field of solar electric mobility, constantly adding new services and elements to our solutions, and even creating new solutions based on our triple expertise and solid know-how.

Our goal: to promote “zero emission” mobility, for municipalities, companies of all sizes and the tourism industry.
Our client references include leading companies such as Veolia, Schneider Electric, SunPower, Allianz and Total. We are currently building a worldwide distribution network for our solutions, starting with markets such as Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Spain, etc. to make solar powered electric mobility available to people around the globe.

About Frost & Sullivan

For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success.

Frost & Sullivan

For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success.