Integration of functions enrich the quality of 3D displays to make them more immersive, finds Frost & Sullivan

The explosive growth of the consumer electronics sector all over the world has created a plethora of opportunities for three-dimensional (3D) displays. The technology has transformed user experience in the 3DTV segment, its most commercially successful segment, and is now set to become a game changer in the markets for smartphones, tablets and laptops.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, 3D Display Technology Innovations Impacting Consumer Sector (, finds that 3D technology will have a strong impact on Mega Trends such as Smart products, Future of Mobility, as well as Connectivity and Convergence. The total revenues from this technology are expected to increase from the $4.2 billion in 2012 to $22 billion by 2018, with 3DTV accounting for the lion’s share of the revenue pie.

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“Asian companies, such as Samsung and LG dominate the market in terms of 3DTV production and process innovations,” noted Frost & Sullivan TechVision Research Analyst Karthik Vishal Lakshmanan. “These companies, which have the infrastructure and best practices for producing 3D displays, may go on to dominate the 3D display market for smartphones as well.”

The success of 3DTV has attracted considerable investments to the 3D display sector. Most of these investments are directed towards the research and development of new 3D technologies, as well as, scaling and manufacturing processes. The innovative ecosystem of technology developers aims to create intellectual property (IP) since the most novel and prolific developers can gain market leadership in the coming years.

“The trend of integrating complex functionalities continues to attract consumers and add value to products,” observed Lakshmanan. “Moreover, it influences the competition in the consumer electronics market, where gadgets with many features always gain market prominence; 3D displays will remain a distinguishing factor in the market.”

However, market nascence means that the pricing of 3D displays are excessive, as compared to 2D technologies such as high definition (HD), 4K, and ultra HD. The high prices are mainly the result of the recovery models companies adopt to recoup their R&D investments. Furthermore, the expensive processes and inadequate rolling stock produced by manufacturers for the market tend to escalate the production costs.

Despite the expense, end-user companies will continue to employ 3D display in next-generation products. There is significant room for innovations; these new-age technologies will find diverse applications including large area displays, haptics and touch-less sensing areas. Research activities by consortiums, universities, and companies will focus on creating robust and true 3D display without glasses.

3D Display Technology Innovations Impacting Consumer Sector, a part of the TechVision subscription, provides an overview of the various technologies and capabilities of 3D displays in consumer electronics and the ways in which they can enable next-generation smart consumer electronics.

TechVision is an international technology analysis business that produces a variety of technical news alerts, newsletters, and studies.

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