Imagine a world where efficient airport management will be based on the performance of individual stakeholders, with each agent from the landside, terminal, and airside all on a single platform, resulting in real-time analysis to support decision-making. Total airport management (TAM) provides a roadmap to achieve efficient operations by supporting data-driven decision-making, KPI management at a holistic level, and visualizing the entire airport’s operations on a macro level by interlinking processes and systems across the airport.

TAM aims to address challenges faced by airports across all operations by integrating data accessed by respective stakeholders, connecting the respective systems to monitor KPIs and ensuring operational efficiency. Factors such as stakeholders unwilling to share information, the high cost of deployment, heightened cyber risks, and airports already having systems like A-CDM are a deterrent to deploying TAM.

Technologies such as biometrics, artificial intelligence, radio-frequency identification (RFID), near-field communication (NFC), blockchain, robotics, internet of things (IoT), 5G communications, and predictive analytics will further propel deployment and enhance the benefits of TAM at airports. TAM is a novel concept, and as of 2020, only a handful of airports across the globe have implemented TAM systems. Few suppliers are currently capable of offering the nascent TAM solutions.

Total airport management will be especially attractive to Tier 1 airports at large world metros and international hub airports as these airports handle extremely high amounts of passengers—both transfers and arrivals/departures. These airports also typically handle a large amount of airlines and other stakeholders. These airports, with a large area, a high number of passenger/baggage throughput, and increased focus on providing the highest levels of passenger experience, will drive the deployment of TAM solutions.

TAM remains in a nascent stage and must be tailored to match the requirements of customers, including airports and stakeholders, across the airport ecosystem. For the TAM solution to address the right challenges and provide the best benefits, suppliers and airports need to work closely to bring out the true potential of the solutions while leveraging the next-gen technology.

Nripendra Bahadur Singh

Nripendra Bahadur Singh, Industry Principal, Aerospace, Defense & Security Practice, Frost & Sullivan

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