Real-time Locating Solution (RTLS) technology has been continuously evolving over the years and transforming into a unique solution for rapidly changing business needs. Growth of RTLS technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Ultra Wide Band (UWB); development of cloud-based solutions, Internet of Things (IOT) connectivity; and the combination of advanced analytics along with RTLS are some of the technological advances that have made RTLS suitable for addressing modern business needs. Today, we find the growing acceptance of RTLS in education, entertainment, and sports, as well as in industries such as manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, where it had already marked a presence. RTLS is constantly finding new applications in the healthcare industry.

Although schools, colleges, and universities have been using RTLS, changing business models in the education sector have resulted in the technology being used in newer ways. Traditionally, student safety and security has been the main reason for the deployment of RTLS. However, with the ever-growing number of devices such as laptops, tablets, and other connected devices used by students, teachers, and staff, it is important to ensure prevention of their loss or theft. Also, it is critical to keep track of unauthorized access of these devices.

RTLS can automatically alert the school network when students and teachers check into the school premises with their devices. Throughout the day, the solution keeps locating the devices, enabling the administration to track them at any given point. The system also notifies when the devices are returned back to the school. In the case of any unauthorized access or the devices leaving the network area, the system will issue an alert and shut down the devices. Such a foolproof system helps in reducing theft and misuse of devices. RTLS also helps in reducing the man hours required for checking on devices on a day-to-day basis.

Academic institutions also need to track the content being watched by the students and keep a control on the bandwidth consumed. While schools need to monitor the use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites by the students, they also need to allow the use of various apps and Web sites for educational purposes. RTLS can track the apps and Web sites accessed by students and also lock and unlock the apps or Web sites depending on the specific requirements of students or based on the classes they attend. RTLS enables institutions to intelligently manage this balancing act of unlocking and locking different apps and services based on the teachers’ location, adding a key layer of knowledge to resource management. Moreover, depending on the presence of subject teachers, the schools network can auto-increase or reduce Internet speed with the help of RTLS. This ensures control over the bandwidth consumed, while allowing teachers and students to access the required content on the Internet without any hassles.

The entertainment and leisure industry is also using RTLS to enhance customer service and customer experience. With the proliferation of BLE technology in smartphones, companies are installing wayfinding systems to help customers easily navigate their way. Battery-powered BLE beacons installed throughout the premises connect to the smartphones and customers can view their location with the help of a pre-installed app.

BLE RTLS systems notify the casinos or hotels when a VIP guest enters their premises. As soon as a VIP guest enters the premises, their smartphones capture the transmission from the casino or hotel beacons and the system identifies the arrival. The auto notifications allow the guests, who have permission, to access specific areas or special services.

Similarly, music concerts and theaters can also use RTLS to enhance customer experiences. With the help of the solution, they can provide customized music to each of their visitors. An RTLS system integrated into the orchestra music system can control the sound and volume based on visitors’ movements. Motion detectors installed in the theatres allow the RTLS solution to detect accurate visitor locations and control the volume accordingly.

Regulating the flow of people and crowd management become easier with beacon-based RTLS systems. In offices, public buildings, and conference halls, the administration can identify the number of people using specific rooms and halls at a particular point with the help of RTLS. Factories and warehouses can use such solutions to identify and track the flow of people through their facilities. Thus, it becomes extremely easy to manage crowds and trace the location of staff and people with RTLS.

Sports is another industry that is increasingly using RTLS for improving players’ performances. Other than outdoor games, indoor ball games can use RTLS systems along with 2D and 3D visualization tools and analytics solutions to study and analyze the movements of players. A complete automated digital solution enables the recording of each and every movement of players, providing valuable statistics and analysis of the entire game. Such advanced and cutting-edge solutions can transform the sports industry by providing advanced movement research.

As the industries are transforming based on end-user requirements, a new range of applications is continuously evolving. RTLS can prove to be extremely beneficial as a robust location monitoring solution. It is important that solution providers continuously work on understanding the specific needs of end users and develop or modify the solutions to fulfill these requirements.

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