It’s no secret that 2020 was a very challenging year. The world changed and so did how we do business. Account Based Marketing is no exception. While it’s still a potentially powerful strategy, the shift to a largely digital selling environment has made it harder to cut through the online clutter and reach breach-wary target companies, whose employees are now largely working from home. The rules of engagement have changed, and so have the ways to reach even the most highly qualified, highly targeted customers.

Today, many of your prime prospects are seeking reviews and referrals from peers and colleagues at unprecedented rates. Sales and marketing strategies that might have worked in the past need to be updated to reach remote workers; you’ll need to gain their trust before implementing the fancy technologies. Is your company’s reputation up to the task? Are its operations?

In this evolving B2B market, understanding the new industry benchmarks of engagement are critical. The “rules of the game” are in constant flux, so you’ll need your entire organization – not just marketing and sales teams –  to be more aligned and agile than ever. You ‘ll need to re-think how you connect with target accounts; be sure to provide research, thought leadership and peer reviews, because that’s what you’re prospects want and trust today.

To help you reach your 2021 ABM customers, Frost & Sullivan has put together a unique UnWebinar, ABM Strategies, Tactics & Insights to Drive ROI. It’s not your same old ABM playbook, it’s the updated 2021 version that will get you where you need to go.

Because, while we know that 87% of B2B marketers report that their Account-Based Marketing (ABM) initiatives outperform other marketing investments in terms of ROI (ITSMA),we think your ABM strategy and tactics probably need some updating. And our winning panel of marketing experts is poised to bring you the latest insights from the field.

Register today to stay a step ahead of your competition, and learn new ways to engage AND convert your top accounts. Participate in this interactive, fun and fast paced UnWebinar to discover:

  • The new ABM standards, guidelines and benchmarks
  • Just in time alignment strategies that include all departments — not just sales and marketing
  • The latest best practices in customer experience, customer engagement and account personalization
  • Tactical insights into what ABM campaigns are working — and not working – and why
  • Tips and tricks to collect, tabulate and share ABM analytics and data
  • The latest and greatest strategies that drive serious ROI

We’re confident you’ll find value at every touchpoint.

ABM Marketing Banner

64% of customers say trust is the most important factor when purchasing from a new brand.
Source: Edelman

Patricia Jacoby

Patricia Jacoby is a Content Specialist, Marketing at Frost & Sullivan

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