Frost & Sullivan’s Sustainability and Circular Economy webinar series explored the theme, ‘Innovative Strategies and Business Models that are Enabling Resource Circulation and Value Recovery in WEEE.’ Facilitated by industry experts, the session highlighted the roles of upstream and downstream industries in supporting circular economy by promoting reuse, repair, and recycling, while also identifying future megatrends, challenges, and growth opportunities for stakeholders.

The panel included Fredrick Royan, Growth Expert and Global Practice Area Leader at Frost & Sullivan; Paulina Blaszczyk, Growth Expert and Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan; Fredrik Forslund, Vice President and General Manager International at Blancco Technology Group; and Eric Ingebretsen, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at TES – Sustainable Technology Lifecycle Solutions.

Note: Gain valuable perspectives from these industry experts by clicking here to access the recorded session of the webinar.

Embracing the Circular Economy: Collaboration between stakeholders across the value chain, including design, manufacturing, use, and end-of-life management, is crucial to promote sustainable practices and reduce electronic waste.

How are you leveraging strategic partnerships to create a more circular electronics ecosystem for your company?

Prioritizing Data Security and Sustainability: Implementing robust data sanitization processes to enable device reuse and minimize electronic waste, is essential for reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and overall environmental impact.

Is your team prioritizing data sanitization as part of your technology strategies to ensure both
long-term data security and minimal environmental impact?

Addressing Environmental Impact of Electronic Waste: The exponential growth of electronic waste presents substantial environmental challenges, necessitating the adoption of sustainable solutions especially industries such as IT.

How is your company innovating to address the surge in electronic waste, while creating new growth opportunities through sustainable solutions?

Comprehensive Asset Lifecycle Management: Holistic technology asset management, from tagging to responsible disposal, coupled with digital solutions like product passports, are unlocking the circular economy by improving resource use and transparency throughout the product lifecycle.

Are you leveraging disruptive technologies to further optimize your asset lifecycle management and maximize its circular economy impact?

Education and Awareness: There’s a significant need for educating both consumers and businesses about sustainable options for electronic waste management, including data erasure, refurbishment, and compliance with regulations.

Is your organization adopting best practices in sustainability and circular economy in line with industry requirements?

“As we transition to the Circular Economy 3.0, commitment from governments and stakeholders is driving a new phase in industry evolution, where data security and sustainability are paramount.”
Fredrik Forslund, Vice President and General Manager International, Blancco Technology Group

The evergrowing mountain of discarded electronics is being transformed into a landscape of opportunity, where responsible disposal practices and innovative recycling methods are paving the way for a sustainable future. Disruptive strategies and new business models are turning Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) from a burden into a valuable resource stream. Join us as we explore these advancements, discussing how resource circulation and value recovery are being revolutionized. We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences as we navigate this exciting shift towards a more sustainable future.

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