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In search of the “Indian Manufacturer of the Year”

12th December, 2025













India Manufacturing Excellence Awards

It is the country’s earliest and most respected assessment-based manufacturing award. With a proprietary assessment methodology perfected over 1000 manufacturing sites, this program is an ideal platform to drive your journey in operational excellence.

The Future of Manufacturing will be driven by companies that adopt Industry 4.0 and optimize globally.

The 2025 edition of IMEA assessment framework evaluates organizations on their Manufacturing Capability, Extended Supply Chain Reliability and Technology Adoption. 


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Participant Testimonials​

We found the IMEA assessment to be extremely professional and having a very systematic approach, which does not merely cover the manufacturing process but it includes a holistic view with equal weightage. After this assessment, we can clearly understand our current standing and focus our efforts toward the specific key improvement areas highlighted through this assessment.

– Hindustan Coca - Cola Beverages Pvt. Limited, Goblej

"To be very very frank, we are very delighted because this was something which was very fundamental. I think that is the reason all the companies are participating for 15 years and this is the most appreciated award. Getting a core manufacturing award is a delight."

– MVML - Automotive Division

"Comprehensive Assessment model by Frost & Sullivan gave us an opportunity to check ourselves with respect to world class business models and identify our competitiveness in preparing ourselves for the next level, globally. IMEA assessors are thorough during their assessment and the interaction with them gave a different dimension from an outside view point. The assessment process was quite exciting and created yet another opportunity for the entire Hyundai team across all divisions and departments working together for a common goal."

– Hyundai Motor India Limited

"It (the assessment) is an opportunity to evaluate the progress of the organization over the years, to also learn from the best practices prevailing in industries and to adapt, improve through learning and sharing."

– L&T - MHPS Turbine Generators Pvt. Limited, Surat

"Getting an IMEA is testimony to the fact that if you invest in the right processes, right technology and in motivation of people, you can make a difference. IMEA has helped energize our young team of mangers who have driven excellence in the factory through multiple projects. In the age where manufacturing is seen as an overhead or a cost, the mission which IMEA is taking forward is firmly establishing that manufacturing can be a source of competitive advantage."

– ITC Limited - Food Division

"The IMEA assessment was meticulous and intensive. The IMEA assessment provided us valuable insights for our unit and was a complete learning experience. Receiving such a prestigious award is a fantastic endorsement for our organization and has also significantly raised the profile of our unit regionally and nationally."

– UltraTech Cement Limited - Vikram Cement Works, Khor

"Last 4 years journey with IMEA was exciting and added value for M & M in our journey towards "world class manufacturing". Receiving such a prestigious award is a huge endorsement and has significantly raised the profile of our units regionally and nationally."

– Mahindra & Mahindra Limited